What to Expect

Comprehensive programs for Advanced - Intermediate - Beginner Goalies

Peak Goalie is designed to make great goalies exceptional and to bring novice goalies up to a competitive level.

What Level Goalie Are you? The Peak Goalie caters to every level goalie at our camp.

Advanced Goalies: Peak Goalie Training Program Advanced Goalie Routine, Advanced Warm up, Advanced Drills, Mental Strategies, Scouting Shooter, Advanced Clearing Concepts, Physical training for Goalies, Stick Stringing and Repair. LivingProof Wellness will address leadership, character development and conditioning techniques.

For current high school goalies Peak Goalie is designed to prepare you for the college game. Most of our staff are college coaches, we will train you to get to the college level.

Beginner/Intermediate: Peak Goalie Training Program Basic Techniques : Basic Proper Goalie Warm Up, Basics of Stance, Stopping Screened Shots, Stick Skills and Basic Clearing, Stopping One-On-One Shots, Basic Proper Technique for Stopping all Shots, Unique Drills, Arc and Angle Play, Pipe Play, Field Communication. Motivational speakers will address leadership, character development and conditioning techniques.

Peak Goalie is designed and proven to bring your game to the next level. Check out our Peak Goalie alumni page.

On the first day of camp, goalies are assigned to groups by age, experience, and ability. Over the next few days, during both morning and afternoon sessions, each group proceeds through a variety of stations which combine to teach all phases of goalie play. These rotations includes: straight-on shooting, angle shots, bounce shots, defending ball-behind situations, point blank shots, free-position shots (for girls), clearing and communication. Every evening, goalies participate in Peak's famous "Goalie Sevens" tournament. These are 7-on-7 games, played on short fields, in which the players use their goalie sticks to develop additional confidence in open field play. This is a Peak Goalie favorite, with organized teams and assigned coaches competing in a fun, tournament-like atmosphere. Players also enjoy informative presentations and question-and-answer sessions with some of the best college and Premier Lacrosse League goalies of recent years. Motivational speakers will include all facets of character development, leadership and wellness to be the best goalie and person. Because we are committed to a 4-1 goalie-to-staff ratio, all goalies receive maximum attention, supervision, and support. A certified trainer is on duty 24 hours a day.